Hello folks!
Here something about me:
Passionate about everything you can wonder,
since I acquired my first personal PC in 2010
and installed Ubuntu GNU/Linux on it I discovered a
whole new world, and I started learning and making tech.
I started with HTML and some coding, after a while
I discovered the Arduino platform, so i started with robotics
and electronics, who led me here...
Currently I am graduated in Electronics Enginnering
and I started my Master's Degree in Mechatronic Engineering.
This site was born as my personal kindom in this
anarchist universe, The Internet.
Here i collect my tech works, here I have my dreams.
About this website
This site is ads and cookies free, no one here want to track you or want to make money from your data.
It is hosted on github pages, owned by Microsoft;
every possible violation of your rights is under Microsoft responsability.
By personal choices this site is coded entirely from scratch with vim; no CMS, no WordPress, no abuse of JavaScript.
Mostly HTML and CSS, this site uses some external services:
Google PDF Viewer,
JQuery Script hosted by Google.
antronyx.xyz's Telegram Bots are hosted on my personal Raspberry Pi, no sensible data is collected. Click here to know how your data is treated.